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Grief Groceries
Hi Hugh, A friend died, and I want to be helpful to his wife, but I’m not sure what to do. I told her that if she needed anything to let me know. Of course, she thanked me, but it’s been a few days now and she hasn’
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Hi Hugh, A friend died, and I want to be helpful to his wife, but I’m not sure what to do. I told her that if she needed anything to let me know. Of course, she thanked me, but it’s been a few days now and she hasn’
In the Looney Tunes cartoons we watched on Saturday mornings when I was a kid, there was a recurring gag where there was too much stuff in the closet. Someone would open the closet and more things than should fit in a closet that size would fall out, burying the
It was Tuesday morning when I got the call. It was Nessie, Lena’s daughter. “Momma died this morning, Hugh. Can you come over to the house? We are waiting for the funeral home.” It’s never convenient. It’s never easy. It never fits in your plans, and it
I don’t know how to explain That it isn’t just that he died. It’s that the world I lived in died too. Because I have never lived in a world That didn’t include him. I don’t know how to explain That sometimes the grief washes
It’s been a rough week. A friend died earlier this week, very suddenly. She had overcome a lot, had provided hope to a lot of people, and now she’s gone. I’m not quite ready to talk about that yet. But it stirred up some thoughts about Dad’
I tend to think in terms of weeks. Days are too short, and months are too long. But weeks are just right. When I lived in North Carolina, my favorite week was the first week of April, as the dogwoods were in bloom and all of nature seemed to be