Reprints and Sharing
It means a lot to me that you want to reprint or share something I wrote.
You don’t have to have any permission at all to share a link to something I wrote, even if you include a brief excerpt of the piece. I appreciate your sharing things I write with your friends and readers. It’s literally the only way this site grows is your positive word of mouth.
You also don’t have to ask for permission to share or reprint anything I write on this website if the following criteria are met:
- You credit me in a clear way as the author. Also, you credit the source of the piece, with a link back to the original post.
- You do not edit the piece, and if you do, you clear the edits with me first at the email address below.
- Please note that I don’t own rights to the photos, so they are not transferable or available for reuse.
- It’s not a commercial project. All I mean by that is that it’s not something you are selling or charging money for. If you want to reprint a blog post that I wrote in your church’s newsletter, that’s fine, assuming you meet the other criteria. If you wanted to make a book called ‘The Best Blog Posts in the World” and sell it to people, you need explicit permission from me first.
An example of what attribution could look like is something like:
This article was written by Hugh Hollowell and was originally published at . He has a weekly newsletter where he combats the ugliness of the world by hunting for beautiful things.
- And finally, if there is a digital version, I would appreciate your sending me a copy at the email address below.
- If there is a print version, please send a copy to:
Hugh Hollowell
PO Box 68411
Jackson, MS 39286-8411
For any other use or further clarifications, please contact me by email at