About Hugh Hollowell

Hi there. I’m Hugh Hollowell [he/him/his], a writer, a blogger, and a community organizer.  I’m the editor of a weekly newsletter – you can subscribe to it here.

I’m also a community organizer with Working Together Mississippi, where I help faith communities build the capacity to act on issues that are important to them.

My family has lived in Mississippi for over 200 years. I currently live in the Fondren neighborhood of Jackson, MS, with my wife, six five chickens, and two spoiled cats. I dream of a better south and a better world for all of us.

Disagree with me? That’s fine. I’m fighting for your liberation, too.

Khakis over jeans, sour over sweet, cats over dogs, and coffee over tea. I don’t have a plan.

If you want to get in touch, email me at hugh@hughhollowell.org.

Thanks for stopping by.

Useful bloggy things to know:

If you are trying to figure out what this blog is about, join the club, here are some random posts, or you can see what I published this week in the past.

You can read this blog in a variety of ways; Here on the site, by RSS, or via social media or email. All the details are here.

I a big believer in showing my work, as an effort to address some of the systemic barriers that exist in tech. With that in mind, I keep a regularly updated changelog for my website, as well as a colophon.


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Sure, with a few qualifications. Details are found on this page.